“The highest tribute to the dead is not grief but gratitude.” - Thornton Wilder
- End of life doulas help support dying persons and their families through the labor of death. Death can be an opportunity to celebrate and explore the path of a meaningful life and legacy. Doulas help individuals and their families speak openly and honestly about death and dying.
- Doulas honor individual and family wishes by helping to coordinate and implement a dying plan (how a dying individual envisions their last days of life will unfold). Doulas provide emotional, spiritual and physical support to the dying and their caregivers. Doulas help to facilitate and maintain a peaceful and sacred dying environment.
- Doulas help their clients maintain quality end of life experiences. The most important service a doula provides is advocacy for all of the end of life decisions made by the individual who is actively dying. They hold space open for individuals to (at their own pace and on their own terms) process grief, accept loss, and transition to the freedom of death with dignity.