
APTA: Physical Therapy Role Advocacy

APTA: Physical Therapy Role AdvocacyAPTA: Physical Therapist Role in Prevention, Wellness, Fitness, Health Promotion, and Management of Disease and Disability.

APTA Physical Therapy Guide to Torticollis

APTA Physical Therapy Guide to TorticollisProvides important information about signs and symptoms of Torticollis and how it also can accompany other symptoms of more serious conditions.

ACOG Guidelines for Exercise During Pregnancy

ACOG Guidelines for Exercise During PregnancyProvides answers to frequently asked questions about exercising safely while pregnant as well as the benefits of exercising while pregnant and after having the bab.

Rethinking Drinking

Rethinkg DrinkingProvides research-based information about how your drinking habits can affect your health. Learn to recognize the signs of alcohol problems and ways to cut back or quit drinking. Interactive tools can also help you calculate the calories and alcohol content of drinks.

Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans

Physical Activity Guidelines for AmericansLearn ways to understand the benefits of physical activity and how to make it a part of your regular routine.

Silver Sneakers Fitness Test for Older Adults: How Fit Are You?

Silver Sneakers Fitness Test for Older Adults: How Fit Are You?These six expert-approved fitness tests can help you gauge your fitness and shore up your weak spots.

ACSM Guidelines for Exercise and Cancer

ACSM Guidelines for Exercise and CancerACSM's download offers evidence-based physical activity recommendations and the associated benefits for specific symptoms and side effects of cancer and its treatments.

NIH: Senior Health

National Institute on AgingFeatures research-based information about a range of health issues for older adults. Learn about healthy aging with short, easily accessible information in a variety of formats.

NIA/NIH Prevent Falls and Fractures

NIA/NIH Prevent Falls and FracturesA comprehensive guide on how to prevent fall, what to do if you do fall, ways you can keep your bones strong to prevent fractures if you fall as well as links to valuable information about fall-proofing your home and where you can get more information about falls and falls prevention.

Talking to Your Doctor

Effective CommunicationLinks you to NIH resources that can help you make the most of your conversations with your doctor. Communication is key to good health care. Get tips for asking questions and talking openly about your symptoms and concerns.

NCI Lymphedema (PDQ)-Patient Version

NCI Lymphedema (PDQ) - Patient VersionProvides general information about lymphedema, managing its symptoms, treatment options, where you can find current clinical trials and where you can find more information about lymphedema.

The Bone Resource Center

Know your BonesProvides information about the role of bones in your body and what you can do to protect them. Learn from interactive tools, find out about bone disorders, and get ideas to help kids build strong bones.

NIH Complementary, Alternative & Integrative Health

NIH Complementary, Alternative & Integrative HealthAThis fact sheet looks into these terms to help you understand them better and gives you a brief picture of the mission and role of the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) in this area of research.

Aim for a Healthy Weight

Maintaining a Healthy WeightAim for a Healthy Weight can help you learn how to reach and maintain a healthy weight by taking small steps to change your lifestyle. Find tips for eating well at home and on the road, and for becoming more physically active.

The Heart Truth

Heart Disease InfoCan help you learn about the dangers of heart disease in women and how to lower your risk.

NIA/NIH What Are Palliative Care and Hospice Care?

NIA/NIH What Are Palliative Care and Hospice Care?Defines palliative and hospice care and discusses similarities and differences between them.
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